What our customers say
I had a great experience with lifeBac not only did it help reduce cravings I was able to go beyond my original goal which was to drink moderately to completely quit drinking altogether.
— H Bell
You can totally change the game when it comes to willpower by altering your chemistry with the medication that they provide. It’s very powerful and life-changing.
— Anonymous
LifeBac definitely made a difference in me getting back in control of my drinking. Between the medication, counselors, and nurses on staff I felt comfortable as I moved through the process. I made personal changes in my habits and I was able to reach my goal - I wouldn’t have got there without this.
— Tiffany
Completely changed my relationship with alcohol. I was a long time (25 years) drinker. Would have a few large glasses to a bottle of wine a day. Every day. For any reason. After about 6 months on baclofen I became able to make the choice to stop drinking after one or two. I am able to go without a drink whenever I want, too. 4,5 days in a row with no wine, and when I do decide to have a drink I no longer go overboard to the detriment of my health. This program added many years to my life, no doubt.
— J
The program and the medication seems to have made me know the difference between a couple of beers and a few to many beers! I am really glad that I did this for myself and my family!
If it was willpower alone anyone would do it. The medication that they provided added the additional chemical change that I needed to take control. It’s changed my life.
— Damian
This program worked very well for me. Within a week or so, my cravings for alcohol had totally dissipated. While I still drink during social settings, and occasionally on weekends, my consumption is a fraction of what it was a year ago.
— Anonymous
I was highly skeptical at first and even while starting and building up the dosage but then suddenly it all started working and it changed everything. Highly impressed and so glad I did the program
— JS
Program works well! It has gotten me to a point where I can manage when and where I drink alcohol.
As described and put me on path to drink only on Friday and Saturday.
Prescription medication suppresses cravings in 92% of people , allowing 62% to return to safe drinking levels without needing to quit.
Keep with the program because it is a miracle! I was with the program for just over a year before I comfortable with leaving. Stick with even with your slip ups.
You can totally change the game when it comes to willpower by altering your chemistry with the medication that they provide. It’s very powerful and life-changing.
— Anonymous
This program helped me get control of my life. Alcohol no longer controls me. I choose when and how much I drink instead of the mindless consumption that I indulged in for years
— Becky
After hearing LifeBac commercials on the radio for weeks I finally inquired and I'm so happy I did!
I was drinking 4 bottles of Jameson a week, and had just been diagnosed with a fatty liver at only 29 years old. I was scared, embarrassed and mostly ashamed. I didn't want to go to AA or rehab but was terrified of withdrawal. I also didn't want to quit drinking completely; I just wanted to drink on weekends or at events like most people can.
I now can go during the week without drinking which I never thought I could do without being shakey or really irritated which I never experienced during this program. Honestly I tell everyone about it and I truly feel like LifeBac saved my life. Anyone on the fence about trying it just do it, you will never regret it. Everyone that apart of my care team has been so supportive and helpful. Thank you LifeBac from the bottom of my heart and liver
— Morgan T
I do have a problem with alcohol. I have tried multiple medications, therapists, abstinence, etc. However, my cravings because of stress, boredom, or even happiness always wore me down to drink again.
With patience I kept up my with my LifeBac team and medication management until I reached my effective dose, it may seem like a lot, but my cravings are zero.
I have no side effects, I am 30 days sober, and I have saved over $500 this month.
— LD
I was drinking so much before I went to bed, a bottle of wine then 6-7 hard seltzers after that.
With LifeBac I'm down to perhaps 3 hard seltzers mixed with flavored water and have quit taking shots altogether. I don't think about buying alcohol as soon as I get off work.
It's great and I feel great!
— Jill S
This program worked very well for me. Within a week or so, my cravings for alcohol had totally dissipated. While I still drink during social settings, and occasionally on weekends, my consumption is a fraction of what it was a year ago.
— JM
I found it took approximately 1 week to start to really feel the effects. Once it did i definitely noticed a difference in my cravings and it was dramatically easier to resist and now make it a choice to drink.
I would recommend this program.
— Shane
The baclofen gave me a great spring board to cut back/stop my excessive drinking. When I did drink it was on my terms, how much and how often. Did not have the urge to drink the following day, as I have in the past. Thank you for this program, it has been very easy to follow and definitely works!
I was drinking a minimum of 6 beers a day every day. When I realized it had become my priority, I knew I had to do something. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't hold back and I would drink and the next morning I would feel defeated, depressed, and angry at myself for failing.
The idea that medication could help with the cravings... I just couldn't believe it would work, it took months before I decided to sign up, but once I did, my personal coach helped me find the perfect plan tailored to my needs and lifestyle and between the medication and the app it slowly started to happen.
I was elated when I realized it had been a week since I've had a drink and I had no desire to drink, that's when I knew I had made the right choice by choosing LifeBac.
My family is happy to have me back! It's great to come home, cook and eat dinner as a family; I can feel the difference in my body when I wake up in the morning and at the end of the day I know I could drink if I wanted to but I no longer crave it. From the comfort and privacy of my home, LifeBac helped me take back control of my life and I will always be grateful for that 🙏.
— S.T.
This program works!! It truly was the best decision I made for myself. I was drinking 4 sometimes more Fosters, the oil cans for a long time. If I did not drink at least a few I would have a hard time sleeping. if i did not drink at all i would pretty much not sleep the entire night and the only way to sleep the next night was to drink. I tried every over the counter sleep aid available. Nothing worked. I even worked out while drinking. Work out then drink. When I started Lifebac, that all changed. I literally did not and did not want to drink. My sleep pattern has improved 100% Waking up without a hangover or foggy mind has been amazing. I am able to concentrate and not make mistakes at work. I do not have that anxious feeling anymore. The weight is finally coming off. My skin is clear!! I can't say I have not tried to have my old usual amount of Fosters. When I did, it was literally the worse feeling then I can describe. For that very reason, I choose not to drink. One is never an option for me!! So none is better! I hope this helps the next person who thinks "I can do it on my own" and keeps going back because they can not do without help!! Thank you, Lifebac!! Much appreciation and gratitude!
Our mobile app and portal allows you to track your goals!
I was drinking way to much tried to quit but I could not. Shaky angry throughing up in morning. I quit after I got sick and the plan got rid of the issues with withdrawals. After I got sick. My stomach was really hurting now I'm eating more stomach feels good more energy sleep better getting things done at home.
The medication allowed me to see that it is possible to live life alcohol free when I choose to. I was able to break the cycle of daily drinking and feel in control of my drinking choices.
Lifebac was a life saver for me. I’ve been drinking just about everyday since I was 21. I felt out of control - I would have one beer, then another and another. No self control. I called lifebac and got my medication immediately. Initially I was just wanting to drink less and not drink so much everyday. I took my first pill as prescribed and it became easier and easier to change my lifelong habit. As it turns out - I not only cut back, but quit drinking. I did have two beers after 60 days of not drinking at all. I feel in control and thank god I heard the commercial on the radio and called. Instead of drinking in the evening, I’m playing board games and spending quality time with my family. Lifebac was a lifesaver for me.
— Anon
LifeBac, in a short time made me realize that there was more to life than drinking it away due to boredom and stress. After being on the program for only two weeks I just started doing yard work more and appreciating what I have in life. Planted three hibiscus, a tomato garden, and put up nice landscape borders around them. We painted our house and started working on projects that needed it. I think this program will help anyone that wants to find what their life truly is like without the haze of drinking all of the time. Thank you!
— Jeff W
Over a long period of time and various life situations, I began to drink more and earlier regularly. Although I generally was able to continue with my work and home life, I was for sure not feeling up to speed day to day and falling asleep earlier frequently. The day I realized I was pouring my first drink at 09:30 and by 1700 had completed a 1/5 of Vodka, I knew I had to do something. I had tried going to meetings previously and that didn’t work for me. I didn’t want to go into a formal inpatient rehab setting and I really didn’t want to deal with work on this. I heard the advertisement for LifeBac on the radio over and over and that day I completed that bottle of Vodka I decided to reach out and talk with someone from LifeBac just to see what it was all about and if it could help me. I determined that this was sure worth a shot and signed up. I suppose I was hoping for an immediate change but that was obviously not going to happen, however, the program was not difficult and I wanted a change so I stuck it out. With regular coaching and a few bumps in the road, I began to have less desire to have that drink and especially in the mornings. Within three months of starting, I was down to 2 drinks a day and that was generally a couple of glasses of wine at dinner. Fast forward to the five-month point and I decided based on some other health issues it was time to stop drinking completely. I had no problem doing just that and am sure that I would never have been able to do so I had not been on the LifeBac program. I am now on a maintenance program, having no issues or urges to drink and truly believe that this program has forever changed my life for the BEST!
Drinking 12 to 15 Bud Lights a night. Hopelessness!!! Hearing that a medication could help me reduce my alcohol intake and cravings. When I went from 12 beers to 6 for 4 days in a row. I was so happy. I am now down to 2 drinks a night. I can't believe it! I am very proud of myself, my sister is proud of me, and my wife is proud of me! Life is great
-John R
LifeBac has been a remarkable journey for me, a journey I did not think I could complete. With a remarkable staff and a program that makes sense to the individual, you are treated, coached and encouraged to succeed with YOUR goals. Can’t stress enough how the LifeBac staff, all of the professionals, work as a team to ensure you make positive changes in your lifestyle and alcohol consumption.
— Pete L.
I am 48 years old and started drinking in my early teens. Over the years, I've been drinking pretty consistently however when Covid hit, it became far more of a habit and I ended up drinking a six pack of craft beer every day. Drinking has never really impacted my life negatively however seeing the beer cans pile up every day without fail left me somewhat embarrassed. I heard the commercials for LifeBac on the radio and it seemed to describe me to a fault. I started the LifeBac program at the end of September and within about a week, my desire to drink any alcohol at all had completely gone. As of today (10-21-20), this is the longest in over 30 years I have not had any alcohol. My mood has improved, along with my sleep and skin. I couldn't be happier with how this is turning out. I say that as I know there are no miracle cures for anything and who knows, I may drink a beer tomorrow. All I know is that right now, I have no interest in drinking and LifeBac allowed me to break a bad habit. I just couldn't be happier with the decision to call.
— Clive M.
I stopped drinking on Jan 31 2021. That was my last drink. I am at 80mg on the meds, that is my effective dose. I am going to stick with this program for at least a year because I don’t want alcohol to become the same habit it used to be but I do want to introduce alcohol back in just not as a daily habit. Anyone done this and if so how did you do it. Just looking for advice. Thinking about when and how. Really like this program. Great support, good coaching!
I have been on the program for just about 3 months… Although I am still drinking daily, there has been a dramatic change to my life… I have a housemate that is a n alcoholic as well… He tells me he is “proud” of me and of me and can see a big difference in me… On to the real meaning this evening… My Mother only lives 1 1/2 hours away from me… But I am terrified of a DUI… This is what I texted her this evening…" I’m sitting here crying… Cuz I wanted to call you in the morning and come over to see you… I just don’t think I feel comfortable venturing out yet… But I’m getting there…every day… I LOVE YOU! Soon, I’m trying" Thank You LifeBac for giving me the opportunity to change MY LIFE!
I love LifeBac. My life was slipping away. Then I decided to do something about it. I found LifeBac, and it gave me a pathway through the darkness. The medication took care of the cravings, and the LifeBac Coaches helped me change the habits that kept me drinking. I got my life back, and you can too.
— SM
I don't think you want my testimonial. Although I'm thrilled with my progress, the side effects were VERY significant, and the risk of them occuring was not explained in advance. Despit my current, highly reduced dosage, I'm still experiencing significant tinnitus. Although the other side effects have abated, they were significant and disruptive; kidney stones, bedwetting, shocking sensations in my hands, and a brief psychotic episode when my dose was at its highest.
— Anon
The LifeBac program has been very beneficial for me! Once I reached my effective dose of baclofen it allowed me several months to really slow down and be more reflective about my drinking habits. Up until then I was nervous for my health, especially, because I'd been drinking two to three drinks a night, every night. With LifeBac I ended up drinking one glass of red wine a night, and it felt great not to overdrink, believe me! I kept this routine for about two months until I believed it was time for me to take the next step. I re-read Allen Carr's The EasyWay to Stop Drinking--an aooroach that just resonated with me-- and now I knew I was ready to quit. and I did. If you stay conscious and determined to look at your drinking habits I believe the program is a gift. The counselors are so very helpful and the baclofen takes a lot of the trepidation and fear out of the process of quitting. Good luck!
— Anon
Give it time to work. After about 4 months of heavy drinking while on the program along with a heavy dose of baclofen, I came home one night and didn’t drink. The next day neither and so on. Been sober 7 months now. You can’t go wrong.
The program is very effective and once you get acclimated to the medication it works well. The support staff has lots of good recommendations for managing stress and making positive life changes. Even if you don't become 100% alcohol free you can learn to manage alcohol better and this is where I ended up and I am ok with where I am today. That is important.
I was drinking every day at least 6-12 drinks everyday. I started the lifebac program and it paired with the medication has significantly lowered my alcohol intake, and brought about a better life to live.
— Anon
Just wanted to Thank Lifebac and their amazing team for all their help. If it wasn't for the medication and team i would not have been successful at getting my life back! I was drinking daily and always hating myself in the morning for it. Now i revolve around drinking, i can say No to drinking. Please be patient with the program while you find your effect dose. It works if you want it to work. Best of Luck to Everyone! This program works!!
— Anon
Baclofen helped in eliminating anxiety which would manifest itself in the pervasive and negative memories that I'd replay in my head leading me to binge drink. After a few months of working up to a dosage that seemed right, I was able to focus on other positive aspects of my life and not use alcohol to shut my brain off. Amazingly, and I never say this, I can now have a few drinks without continuing on a binge - the drinking is simply because I enjoy the taste now and not because I'm looking for an escape. I now feel like a "normal" social drinker where the stigma of being an alcoholic is no longer a label on me from which I found shame and embarrassment.
— Anon
The program is very effective and once you get acclimated to the medication it works well. The support staff has lots of good recommendations for managing stress and making positive life changes. Even if you don't become 100% alcohol free you can learn to manage alcohol better and this is where I ended up and I am ok with where I am today. That is important.
When I started LifeBac I was tentative. The coaching and support along the way eased my concerns and I worked with the program without reservation. I've now gone from 6-8 hard alcohol drinks per day to a beer or glass of wine per day. I feel physically better and mentally sharper. This was a very worthwhile journey without judgement or recriminations.
I was hesitant to start the program but through excellent coaching and assistance I became more comfortable and embraced the process. There were moments of uncertainty as I progressed but my coach did a great job assisting me in navigating the process. I went from 7-8 heavy drinks a day, especially hard alcohol, and I'm now down to a manageable single beer or glass of wine. I feel physically better all the way around and mentally confident moving forward
The baclofen gave me a great spring board to cut back/stop my excessive drinking. When I did drink it was on my terms, how much and how often. Did not have the urge to drink the following day, as I have in the past. Thank you for this program, it has been very easy to follow and definitely works!
— Anon
I have been very successful with Lifebac and have recommended the program to friends. I have also enjoyed the support and discoveries within Adi Jaffe's IGNTD program. It is a comfort to know that a structured program like lifebac is there and that I can always go back if needed.
— Anon
This program works!! It truly was the best decision I made for myself. I was drinking 4 sometimes more Fosters, the oil cans for a long time. If I did not drink at least a few I would have a hard time sleeping. if i did not drink at all i would pretty much not sleep the entire night and the only way to sleep the next night was to drink. I tried every over the counter sleep aid available. Nothing worked. I even worked out while drinking. Work out then drink. When I started Lifebac, that all changed. I literally did not and did not want to drink. My sleep pattern has improved 100% Waking up without a hangover or foggy mind has been amazing. I am able to concentrate and not make mistakes at work. I do not have that anxious feeling anymore. The weight is finally coming off. My skin is clear!! I can't say I have not tried to have my old usual amount of Fosters. When I did, it was literally the worse feeling then I can describe. For that very reason, I choose not to drink. One is never an option for me!! So none is better! I hope this helps the next person who thinks "I can do it on my own" and keeps going back because they can not do without help!! Thank you, Lifebac!! Much appreciation and gratitude!
— D
“In the year 2019, I was certainly reaching the realization that my drinking had become a problem. I functioned OK; however, I was starting to drink earlier and earlier in the day. My first cocktail, usually Vodka and something, moved from 1 or 2 in the afternoon to noon and then 10:00 in the morning. I was able to pace well and keep working through the day, but by 4 or 5 in the afternoon, I was getting slow in thought and actions. No, I didn’t realize how it was affecting me. My wife sure did, and I would assume many others around me did as well. I had tried to slow down or quit drinking a few times in the past, but that would only last a short time, and I would be back to my routine. As the months went by that year, I heard the Life Bac commercials on the radio. I listened and even jotted down the name and number to call but didn’t do it. By September 2019, I felt like crap. The drinking was getting the best of me, and my life seemed to be hitting bottom. For the first time, I realized I was not able to control this. I could handle the most challenging things with work and most of the other things life threw at me, but I could not put the drinking down. I called Life Bac! The call was easy, and I had made my mind up that I would dive into this program. I had to do something, and this program seemed like the best option. I had gone to some AA meetings, and they depressed me more than helping me with anything. I thought that working my way out of drinking the way I got into it over a great deal of time was a great idea. I sure didn’t want it to take the same 40 years it took me to get here, but it wasn’t just stopping cold, so I signed up and got started. The initial start with the meds seemed easy enough; however, I did have some difficulties and side effects as I got up there in the amount. In most cases, I got through them within a day or so and marched forward. It was not easy, and I want to be clear; this takes effort and dedication, so don’t expect this to be a magic pill thing. The meds help, but it still takes desire and inner strength. We all have it, even if it doesn’t seem that way. By December of 2019, I had reduced my drinking by half. To put that in perspective, instead of drinking a 1/5 of Vodka a day capped off by a glass or two of wine, I was drinking about half the Vodka and maybe a glass of wine or no wine at the end of the day. I set a cutoff time of 7:00 for the last drink, which worked pretty well. I was now drinking just between noon and seven, which for some may seem outrageous still but for me, a significant change. Then by the first of the year, I was down to only 3 or 4 drinks a day. I concentrated on this progression and congratulated myself for having reached this point, which motivated me even more. Now the setback. I started to have unexpected neurological issues. Tingling in my extremities as I have never felt before except maybe after frostbite when you begin to warm up. I had vertigo and the evenings got really bad. I had me scared for the first time, and I made an appointment with my primary care physician. That was two months out for that visit, however, and it seemed like forever. I met and informed that I had alcohol-related polyneuropathy and it would never go away but that I could reduce or at least keep things from progressing more if I would stop drinking altogether. That was March 2nd, 2020. I had some other diagnostic tests ordered and was supposed to have a follow-up visit when COVID hit. Shut down, and no doctor visit, no MRI, and no CT scan. I got furloughed, and you would have thought that I would have crashed and gone back to drinking with a vengeance. I did not! I quit drinking, used my off time to exercise, worked on the house, and focused on myself with no work distractions or pressure. I started feeling better every day and had more energy than I had in years. I ate better and actually lost 10 pounds while eating more but just not drinking. All good right? In the middle of May 2020, I was terminated from my job. My company took a significant hit from the shutdowns, and I was a casualty. Again, you might have thought I would get depressed and fall back, but I didn’t. I had the momentum from the positive things in my life and liked that better. I found new employment and continued with my exercise and positive activities through the summer. I worked off the meds and have had no relapse. In summary, I can truthfully state that I have had 5 drinks since March of 2020 and it is now December, one week from Christmas. I urge anyone that starts this program to stick with it. Give it time, as I am sure you did when learning how to drink too much. This program works! Expect difficult times but cling to the achievements and progress. My best wishes and sincerest prayers go out to all that tackle the challenger, Vodka, Whiskey, Wine, Beer...”
— Mike R
Through weekly check-ins (or however often you prefer), your personal LifeBac Guide will help you keep motivated, set goals, incorporate skills into your lifestyle, and navigate the LifeBac program.
So my journey with alcohol stared 11 years ago it just came out of the blue just started drink at night with my brother and my sister in law and now my wife and all of a son I was drinking every day Vodka and Diet Squirt. I would drink from 5pm to 1 am everyday 7 days a week. I also dipped tobacco for 25 years and at the age of 40 I quite but did not quit drinking so 1 day I heard your add on the radio and said shit I been waiting to quite and maybe this will help me with my problem. So I decided to give it a shot in December of 2019 and started this January 2020. I did not tell anyone what I was doing and not even my wife. Then I told her and she said I am so proud of you. The past 3 weeks I have not had 1 drink and don’t even care to have 1. Thank you so much LifeBac you guys are the best.
I was drinking far too much — 4-6 beers a day on during the week and 10-20 per day on the weekends. I was using the alcohol to cover the pain in my life. I tried to quit cold turkey a couple of times. Would last two weeks or so then right back at it.
LifeBac didn't label me as an alcoholic, it didn't require me to go completely abstinent, and it allowed me to move at my own speed. Additionally, the support coaches were incredibly inspirational.
I went to my favorite bar and grill once they opened back up. Was very excited to go out to eat. I went, I ordered a pound of wings, some fries, and an ICED TEA! I've been there a thousand times over the past 15 years and I have always ordered a Hop Chowda (or multiple). This time I had an iced tea and I didn't even miss my favorite beer.
I don't drink at all during the week - all my cravings are gone. I've lost 15 lbs the last month just from cutting back on beer, and I just started working out regularly again. And, the best part, is that I can go out on the weekends and socialize during dinner, an evening party, or even a five hour stint at a bar, and I can have a couple drinks responsibly, and I don't take it too far anymore. I've won!
— Dave
After about 10 days on LifeBac I could feel a difference, physically and mentally, regarding my desire to drink. For the first time ever I knew I could control my drinking behavior.
While I feel I am at my effective dose of medication, I am still progressing. My alcohol cravings are almost zero, my drinking habits and behavior have changed dramatically for the good, I am setting good boundaries for my drinking and I know this will be a life changing benefit for me. LifeBac, with an amazing staff, made this possible😎. Thank you.
— Pete L
In my days before LifeBac, I had NO problem dropping back two large glasses of Jameson on Ice (approx 600ml) a night without batting an eye, every day of the week. The sweet taste of that first drop to reach my tongue was the nectar of the gods.
I had tried on my own before to stop drinking, I was able to go a day or two without booze but never more, and I wanted more. The repeated failed attempts to STOP in the past were enough for me to reach out for help, which is often very hard to do.
I had never tried a "plan" before; it was always me trying to make it "till the weekend" myself. Now, with a plan, within a week, I thought I could feel a difference in my desire, my need, to consume alcohol. For me (everyone is different); it was within the first two weeks that I felt less of a desire or need to consume alcohol. I quickly transitioned to just drinking on Saturday nights for about 5-6 weeks, before stopping altogether.
As of last night, I had reached 90 days without drinking alcohol. This is something I never thought possible. I know that I am not cured of my desire to drink, but I feel as though I have made a great start to a new chapter in my life.
As the son of a deceased alcoholic, I see a bright beginning to a healthy sober retirement with my family and friends.
— Mo
“Thank you very much for the Lifebac program. When I began in June, 2020, I was consuming 6 to 12 beers a day and 1.75 liters of vodka a week. Clearly it was way too much! After hearing the advertisement on the radio, I decided to call in and give the program a try. I will admit that I was a bit skeptical at first, but I was willing to try the medication and see if it would help with my cravings for alcohol. While working my way up to higher doses, there were a few side effects, mainly a bit of increased sleepiness in the evenings. Working with your staff, we were able to change the dosing times so that it wasn't so bad after a while. As the days progressed, my consumption decreased. I was interested in seeing it go down. At the same time, I became more physically active, and started walking every day, in the mornings. (So nice not to have a hangover!) By the time September came, I was drinking very little, and feeling great. For the next several months, I abstained from alcohol completely, while continuing to take the Baclofen. My coach, Barb, was terrific. She gave me some good advice, and helped me to change my habits and to think about consequences if I was tempted to have any alcohol. I had no problems at all over the holiday season being a non-drinker, which was great! One of the other benefits was that my weight dropped. When I joined Lifebac, I was 215 pounds. Now, I'm at 175. The changes physically have been so great, and I have continued to walk and hike several times a week. By the time spring came, Barb and I discussed reintroducing some alcohol to see if I could handle it without the urge to drink to excess. On April 1, I did just that. Friends and I had done a big hike over 12 miles long, and I had a margarita. The effects were immediate, and I said to myself, "that's enough!" I was still taking baclofen at this time. Barb and I worked together to come up with a plan to get off the medication, and I have continued having the occasional glass of wine or cocktail on special occasions. However, I have sworn off beer for good. I really like myself without that beer belly! I most certainly love having a clear head in the mornings as well! I thank Lifebac for the tools that helped me change my habits and welcome a better, happier life. I would recommend the program to anyone who is looking to get off the routine of daily drinking, and especially drinking to excess. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am truly grateful and thankful this year!”
— Anon
Before I started using LifeBac, my drinking was out of control. I wasn't sleeping, I was very irritable, and I was forgetting things that happened. Although I never drank during my work day, the effects of the night before were starting to spill over and were affecting my performance. I tried everything to stop, but nothing worked. Then I heard about LifeBac. At first I thought it was some Internet scam, but I was so desperate to try anything. Then I started the program. Everyone at LifeBac is so helpful and kind, you are not alone through this process. In the beginning it was a little rough but the great thing about this program is if something isn't working, they are there to help you figure out what it is. I realized that LifeBac was working about a month and a half into the process. My coach gave me some tips to help get me out of my destructive drinking pattern. It was a happy hour with friends, and I tried drinking my drink with my opposite hand and focusing on the conversation. When I left happy hour, I only had one drink (as opposed to my usual 4 or 5). I felt great the next day and I realized that I can do this. Now that I am off the program, I still use the tips and tricks that I learned. I do enjoy a drink every now and then, but I don't HAVE to have it. I can have a glass of wine with friends and have it not turn into a bottle. Not to mention my bank account is happy too! I really appreciate the help that I received from LifeBac. I'm so glad that I took a chance and gave it a shot.
I was drinking too much and one was never enough. Once I started drinking I would continue until it was all gone or I was so drunk I couldn't physically get more. I thought I was "OK" because I only drank after 5. I was a functional alcoholic. I tried programs like AA but all that did was make me feel worse and want to get out of the meeting. I couldn't relate the the stories I was hearing and I was repulsed that most of the people ran outside at the end of the meeting and lit up. I did not fit and could not find anyone that I could befriend. I was lost and this made me worse. My frustration grew and my drinking did not stop. Lifebac was the weening method that I was looking for. I started the program and I still drank. Just before my birthday I thought that I didn't need to drink any more and I really didn't want one any more. From that point on, I had no real desire to have a drink. It was easy to walk past the liquor in the grocery store and not even think about buying it. I no longer had the desire to drink. for the first time in I don't how long, I was free from the grip alcohol had on me. I now have no need to "medicate" myself and I feel so much better. I know I will wake up feeling good and look forward to the day. No longer looking forward to 5 so I can have a drink. I am now in control of my life, not alcohol. I just feel wonderful and I have begun to rebuild my relationships.
I was losing my family and not having any close contact with friends and being very reclused. I felt like nobody was there to really help me I didn't have extra support I have been to doctors before put on different medications that made me feel like a zombie to the point where I physically couldn't work and do my job or support my family I was so hard for me he felt like no matter where I turned there wasn't any help and nothing was getting better despite what I was doing counseling doctors visits the whole bit it didn't ever seem to help. They were there when I needed them I could call and get a counseling appointment the next day if I needed to they help me through the strolls of medication and all of them Susan Barbara Dr cherry were all so supportive. I was sitting on a doctor's appointment with my daughter when we found out she had severe scoliosis and that's when I realized that this program is working for me the last thing I had on my mind was having a drink and that 6 months ago would have been the first thing I would have done was come home and drink just to get it out of my mind because this couldn't be happening to me or my family and it made me realize that I have done a lot with myself and my family and my daughter and I have been so closely not drinking really helps me to stay focused on Life family I what all of that means. My life looks a lot better things are going great for my family my 19-year-old son has moved back home we're getting the treatment we need for my daughter I am closer now to my kids than I have ever been in the last seven years and it makes me feel great and I couldn't have done it without the help of Suzanne Barbara.
After years of problem drinking, I honestly was feeling beaten down, tired, and desperate. I felt like I had tried just about everything from AA to therapy sessions, but nothing clicked and I continued to drink myself towards what I could only imagine to be oblivion. I was drinking hard alcohol every single day, at work no less, and could easily drain a 750 ml bottle of cheap vodka in two days. After hearing the advertisement for LifeBac numerous times on the radio during these darker times, I finally pushed myself to take a stand and give the program a try. I will be forever grateful that I did. Not only did I find the medication to be beneficial and helpful (thankfully without side effects in my case), the biggest advantage for me was having regularly scheduled coaching calls plus access to communicating with the LifeBac coaching team at any time. Chantel took amazing care of me during my treatment time, and gave me a crucial skill set and strategies that aided me achieving my goals. Speaking of goals, even when they may seem daunting (thanks to that tricky alcoholic brain), the life coaches are always there to do anything they can to raise you up and deter those awful cravings when they arise. I never felt judged or looked down upon for my problem, and had the reassurance that Chantel and her team were always there if I needed them. It really felt like they were on my side and cheering for me during the entirety of my journey. When I look back at my life before the program, I can't help but shudder with revulsion. Now, it seems like those terrible times were some kind of distant nightmare and I'm happily living each day as a new person unencumbered by alcohol and the accompanying cravings. These days, I am able to actually enjoy drinking reasonably and manage how much I'm actually consuming, rather than being fueled by the false "need" to just get drunk as quickly as possible. LifeBac truly turned my life around at just the right time; my wife, friends, and family can all attest to that. Thank you so much, LifeBac, for giving me a fresh start and a brand new chance to be my best self!
I have an addictive personality. Since the day I was born I was told I fixated on things and immediately moved to the next more exciting toy. Whether it be work or drinking, I always did it well. My drinking got to a point where I no longer worried about random bruises or a broken nose because, to me, that was just part of the lifestyle. I lost friends, pissed off family members to Earth's end, you name it. The most dangerous thing about it was that I was still highly functional in school and it took my body physically breaking down for me to want to do something about it. I never tried to solve the problem until I started my second bachelors degree in Nursing and that is where shit became real. I didn't put two and two together (not doing well in school and drinking everyday) until I failed my first class. My immediate reaction to deal with my feelings was booze and I did not know any other way to do it. It's a life of constant denial that it's a problem until it directly affects you. I was skeptical but open to all possible scenarios to quit drinking which unfortunately is either AA, jail, death, or cold turkey which we all know is not as easy or safe as it sounds. After taking LifeBac I noticed an immediate change. The change was not so much the will to drink, it was the want to drink. I was able to sit down and enjoy a single brew without ever thinking what drink I was going to order next. Many situations call for complete sobriety and I feel that's what scares a lot of alcoholics. It scared me. Jesus christ I can't go to dinner and have a brew or glass of wine anymore? Even though we all know it turns into a whole bottle of wine and then another and so on. With LifeBac, the thoughts of what I was going to order next went away. I woke up one morning during COVID (important because stuck at home a lot), finished my lecture and went to go fish for some bass. It wasn't until I got home that I noticed I never thought about picking up some beer or whiskey or stopping by the bar before or after. It was not a feeling of temptation that I withheld from, it was a complete lack of thought about grabbing a drink/getting drunk. I deal with other developmental issues such as ASD and ADHD so I cannot speak for all on this; however, I can attest that Baclofen, when taken correctly, can improve your life ten-fold. You will still have problems to deal with. Problems that may be the direct cause of your drinking that are not fun to handle without alcohol. See a therapist, don't just rely on medications to cure you. There's no cure for addiction, just precautions you can take to ensure you live a more full life.
I thought I would take the time to share just a quick update. I started the LB program in October 2019 and was functioning but lost on how to finally get a grip on my drinking. I had three months of struggles with the meds and side effects but ultimately stuck with it. I must say that in hindsight the drinking was far worse than any of the side effects. On March 2, 2020, I had my last drink for 3 months. This was significant because I started the program drinking at a minimum a 5th of Vodka each day and usually more. By October 2020 I had consumed 3 glasses of wine while out to dinner with my wife(amazingly she is still my wife) and to date have had 6 glasses of wine. I have no desire to drink and it does not consume me trying to figure out when and how soon I would be able to get that first drink each day. I am tremendously more productive both at home and at work too. I guess my purpose here is to let everyone know that is considering or currently in the LB program to stick with it. It does work if you want it to work. Thank you to the LB team and especially the coaches! That is it to date and I have great hope and outlook to the future. Thanks again, LifeBac.
I saw the LifeBac commercials while watching my morning news in February and March 2020. What caught my attention was the question, “Would you like to get control of your drinking?” At the same time an image of folks together, apparently drinking (moderately). I never wanted to stop my drinking; I just wanted to moderate my drinking. My hope was that I could just reduce the very heavy daily drinking that was affecting my health and my everyday life. I never went out at night because I had a high blood alcohol content before nightfall. Every plan, every event, every vacation was dependent on being able to drink my martinis. I lost 2 girlfriends along the way with my refusal to control or reduce my alcohol consumption. So I thought I would give the people at LifeBac a call and see what they are all about. I liked that I could make my own plan. Just cut my drinking in half would be so awesome I thought. So I entered the program with the goal of some moderation. Like some others on this forum, I felt side effects from the Baclofen, which was such a great trade-off! There were moments in my journey when I wanted to quit, and those feelings were strongest JUST before that time that came when I discovered what I was hoping for, and what I never really believed I would have. I realized finally that I could overcome this bad habit! Currently I am titrating down and I will leave the program soon. Words cannot express my gratitude to everyone at LifeBac. Barb, thank you for your coaching and your caring! My personal relationships, my health and my career are all much better since I made the decision to answer the call to get my life back. Literally! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
This program works!! It truly was the best decision I made for myself. I was drinking 4 sometimes more Fosters, the oil cans for a long time. If I did not drink at least a few I would have a hard time sleeping. if i did not drink at all i would pretty much not sleep the entire night and the only way to sleep the next night was to drink. I tried every over the counter sleep aid available. Nothing worked. I even worked out while drinking. Work out then drink. When I started Lifebac, that all changed. I literally did not and did not want to drink. My sleep pattern has improved 100% Waking up without a hangover or foggy mind has been amazing. I am able to concentrate and not make mistakes at work. I do not have that anxious feeling anymore. The weight is finally coming off. My skin is clear!! I can't say I have not tried to have my old usual amount of Fosters. When I did, it was literally the worse feeling then I can describe. For that very reason, I choose not to drink. One is never an option for me!! So none is better! I hope this helps the next person who thinks "I can do it on my own" and keeps going back because they can not do without help!! Thank you, Lifebac!! Much appreciation and gratitude!